How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?
At the moment I'm not drinking too much tea, we don't have a kettle at the moment. But I do love a good cup of chai tea. Sugar? No. Apparently it's not good to have sugar with your tea - well yeah, it's sugar. If I do have tea though, it's usually around 3-4 cups a week.
Favourite part of a roast?
Definitely the potatoes. I love roast potatoes! I don't actually have a roast on Sundays but when I do at someone's house I'm always after the potatoes.

Favourite dunking biscuit?
I love dunking biscuits in my tea (apart from when the thing drops off and you're left with a lump soggy biscuit in your tea). I'd say my favourite would be a digestive biscuit, they aren't too sweet and I love how they taste after dunking them.
I love watching the Great British Bake Off! (That has to count since it has the word 'British' in it).
Favourite word?
I'm not entirely sure I even have a favourite word. It probably would have been easier for you to ask me my least favourite word - that's probably be 'like', 'basically' or 'literally'.
Cockney rhyming slang?
Not sure what that is, but I'm sure I've probably used it once in my life.
Favourite Sweet?
Jelly Bellies. Oh yes!
What would your pub be called?
The Ombré Waterfalls? I think that sounds quite nice.. I've never thought about it...
Nº1 British Person?
Has to be Emma Watson. I'm pretty sure she was one of the reasons I continued watching Harry Potter.
Favourite shop / restaurant?
I don't really know any British restaurants but I've been to Mark's and Spencer's, and I do like the food they sell in there.
What British song pops into your head?
Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding - Oh I love that song!
Actually I'm not sure if I've tried it or not, but I must have because I can tell what it tastes like in my mind - so no, I hate it.
Who I tag?
I tag everyone to do this! (just make sure you're British).